SDK Methods

Compatible Networks

  • Optimism Goerli

  • Ethereum Goerli

  • Polygon Mumbai

  • Gnosis

  • Chiado Gnosis Testnet

  • Shibuya Testnet

  • Astar

  • Polygon Mainnet


Dev can install the sdk with the package manager of their choice via yarn or npm.

npm install @bananahq/banana-sdk

Or via yarn as

yarn add @bananahq/banana-sdk

Instance creation and imports

Developers can directly get access to Banana module through our SDK just by importing the banana module from banana-sdk

import { Banana } from '@bananahq/banana-sdk'

Once you successfully import Banana Module, you can start accessing the methods it exposes just by creating an instance of it by specifying the appropriate chain.

You can create a banana Instance as:

// importing chains and banana module from banana wallet sdk
import { Banana, Chains } from '@bananahq/banana-sdk'

// creating chain specific instance of banana module
const bananaInstance = new Banana(Chains.mumbai)

For initializing Banana SDK with paymaster please see below docs

Methods by Banana Module

Once the instance is ready, developers can access methods the banana module provides.

Methods offered by the banana module are:

  • connectWallet


connectWallet this method enables developers to create a wallet for their users. The SDK takes in metamask EOA account which is currently active in the metamask wallet and creates a smart contract wallet for it and assign it as owner of the wallet which would be responsible for signing transactions.


import { Wallet } from '@bananahq/banana-sdk';
const walletInstanace: Wallet = await bananaInstance.connectWallet()

// fetching wallet address
const SCWAddress = walletInstance.walletAddress;

PS: if after following this documentation you are experiencing webpack polyfill issue please refer to this page

If you have any questions please post them Banana SDK Discord forum.

Last updated